I was recently musing over how evolving technology has changed the way I publicize stories about my two-wheeled travels.
With this post, I get to channel my inner curmudgeon, the old man down the street that is forever telling the neighborhood kids to get off his damn lawn. So here goes…
When it comes to telling your friends about your latest motorcycle tour, you kids have it way to easy. Continue reading Road Blogging Before the Internet was Ubiquitous →
One day I got myself into a bit of trouble on rec.motorcycles.harley and accidentally inferred that Red was old enough to be my mother, which she isn’t.
Continue reading Ode to Red →
A number of people have mentioned their reluctance to email me with comments because I might critique or otherwise “tear apart” the prose in their messages. Don’t worry, I’m not that anal retentive about writing. Back in college, I wrote a short piece which was published in the October 1987 issue of Communique. The piece dealt with writing to the level of your purpose. The remainder of this post is the article.
Continue reading Writing: Good vs. Good Enough →
Lessons in the art of motorcycle touring