Yet another day of US2 east. This one features carefully timed merging between two storm fronts to arrive in Duluth without needing to don raingear.
Continue reading 2021 Snarl Par-Tay Day 13 – Dodging StormsTag Archives: north_dakota
Posts from the state of North Dakota.
2021 Snarl Par-Tay Day 12 – US2 into North Dakota
Today continues the US2-east mantra, crossing the rest of Montana and almost half of North Dakota.
Continue reading 2021 Snarl Par-Tay Day 12 – US2 into North DakotaFollowing the Hi-Line on US2
The number for today is “2”. Specifically, US highway number 2 or US2 for short. Crossing the Great Plains on this US highway yields vast horizons of farmland, broken up by the an occasional line of trees or a gulch-cut river valley. It is a route that leaves you plenty of time to contemplate not only the scenery but why people came here in the first place. Continue reading Following the Hi-Line on US2
Great Plains or Bust
After a lazy morning and indulgent brunch, I had a long afternoon and evening to get in the day’s requisite miles. Continue reading Great Plains or Bust