First cruise of the year (finally)

After a spring filled with long-overdue Bike maintenance tasks, I proceeded to engage in a big house project: replacing the roof on my house. As a result, it’s almost June and I have yet to take either bike on more than a day trip.


The good news is that the roof is done and both bikes are in good repair and ready to cross the country. Even better news is that I have two weeks of additional paid vacation to spend this year (an increase of three to five weeks — the thesaurus does not contain the proper word to express my joy at this development). Consequently, as Memorial Day weekend approaches, Karen and I are preparing to head east for our annual cruise to Mitch and Kathy’s MAMMARY gathering near Chesapeake Bay. Based on the last attendee’s list I saw, the turnout this year is higher than usual, with almost 30 folks showing up from across the US and Canada.

This year’s trip has a few new wrinkles for Karen and I. Most importantly, this will be the first time we’ve taken the Vector on a long trip. It’s also the first time I’ve had someone accompany me on a trip with the Vector. To better accomodate a passenger, we added a higher backrest and upgraded the stock passenger footpegs to Kuryakyn Iso Wings. The higher backrest has the added benefit that I can now mount the T-Bag on the Vector; the old backrest was simply to short to support it. The footpeg upgrade was for comfort but also for necessity. Karen’s tendency towards high-heeled footwear virtually guaranteed that the sole of her right boot would straddle the narrow stock peg and rest directly on the top muffler. (sniff-sniff, do you smell something burning?)

We’ll try to get to Pennsylvania tonight. It’s 4:30pm, time to bolt…


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