Progress home (so far)

The following is a post to the slug list on my way home from the annual Par-Tay in the Pacific northwest.

On Sunday, I took US12 past Mt. Ranier, where it got down to 51ºF  with some sprinkles of rain. I eventually got as far as Orofino, ID before the crowds of deer on the road forced me in for the night. Monday I blasted up Lolo pass (chicken strips on the tires are almost gone) and down through Idaho to spend the evening with Chuck & Barb. We had a blast cleaning the garage in preparation for a remodeling job. 😉

Tomorrow its on into Wyoming… somewhere. I’ll decide after I get some sleep.

Thanks again to Snarl & Jeanne for hosting yet another party of infinite righteousness. I’m already wondering what the hell I’m going to do for my big trip next summer if I’m not pointing the Bike to Washington.

Best regards,


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