Memphis Cruise Day 1

Route: Ann Arbor, MI to Aberdeen, OH

  • From Ann Arbor, MI, take US-23 south to I-75 at Toledo, OH
  • Take I-75 south to OH-15 at Findlay, OH
  • Take OH-15 south to long winding US-68 detour, rejoin US-68 at Dunkirk, OH
  • Take US-68 south to OH-31 at Kenton, OH
  • Take OH-31 south to OH-38 at Marysville, OH
  • Take OH-38 south to US-62
  • Take US-62 south to OH-41 at Washington Court House, OH
  • Take US-41 south to Aberdeen, OH
A crappy photo of the bridge at Aberdeen. That's Maysville, KY on the other side of the river. A railroad freight mainline runs on the other side of the river, so I had company all night. This photo sucks because I used a disposable camera. After the film was developed, I dropped the photos (and my Newton 120 PDA) off the bike on I-96 east of Grand Rapids, MI. Several cars/trucks ran over the photos (and my Newton) before I could retrieve them. Instead of scanning the negatives to a Photo-CD, I scanned the abused photos on a flatbed scanner at a local Kinkos Copies. Again, this is why this photo sucks.
A crappy photo of the bridge at Aberdeen. That’s Maysville, KY on the other side of the river. A railroad freight mainline runs on the other side of the river, so I had company all night.
This photo sucks because I used a disposable camera. After the film was developed, I dropped the photos (and my Newton 120 PDA) off the Bike on I-96 east of Grand Rapids, MI. Several cars/trucks ran over the photos (and my Newton) before I could retrieve them. Instead of scanning the negatives to a Photo-CD, I scanned the abused photos on a flatbed scanner at a local Kinkos Copies. Again, this is why this photo sucks.

Greetings Everybody,

I’m currently sitting in the waning sunlight, munching a pre-dinner pop tart, and scribbling furiously on the Newton. The Ohio River flows about 50 yards in front of me, and the low rumble of a locomotive echoes from across the valley. So far (the first day), my Ann Arbor to Memphis Cruise has proceeded without disaster. I was able to cross the entire state of Ohio in beautiful weather. Besides two short detours (bridges out) and one minor (fine, I got lost) course correction, all is well.

I found the roads in Ohio to be far superior to those in Michigan. I didn’t hit a single bone-jarring pothole all day. Also, Nestor (squidly-type biker unit) would have loved State Route 41 southwest of Columbus: curvy, hilly, and through the woods. Oh well, I`m losing the Sun behind a hill, and I still need to cook dinner. Hopefully, I can send this tonight.


P.S. Michelle, the cat is out of food. Sorry, I forgot to mention it.

P.P.S. I’ve made it as far as Lexinton, KY. Another gorgeous day. Sent this message from a “Quick Copy” place with a handy fax line.

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